What to do with your pumpkin waste

29 October 2021

waste pumpkin

Carving pumpkins is a tradition which continues to grow in popularity, for the bright splash of colour it brings to our doors and windows as the winter creeps in and we celebrate Halloween. Unfortunately, this trend is also the cause of immense food waste each year.

It’s a shame to see piles and piles of beautiful vegetables thrown in bins once their use is finished. Particularly when they’re not finished. There is still so much use that can be had from these tasty vegetables. In fact, pumpkins offer us one of the most flavoursome soups we could make – and it’s so easy.

This year, why not have your Halloween fun and then eat the leftovers? There’s no better way to do this than with Spicy Pumpkin Soup.


Spicy Pumpkin Soup

What you will need:

What to do:

With a full tummy and your wine glow, you should feel cosy in the cold winter evening and feel good about saving your wasted pumpkin for this treat.

For an added feeling of satisfaction that you have saved a little of the planet, don’t forget to recycle that wine bottle you have just emptied.



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