May 9th, 2024

This month, we feature videos from BBC News who meet recycling hero Granny Orchid, and founder member, Premier Waste Services, who shares a testimonial from one very happy client.
BBC News
It might be one of the richest cities in the world, but in Hong Kong many elderly people still live in poverty. The BBC meets recycling hero Granny Orchid, who earns extra money collecting boxes for recycling seven days a week.
Tech Insider
McDonald’s has partnered with Ford Motor Company with hopes to eliminate their waste to landfills, which included 62 million pounds of coffee chaff (the dried skin on a coffee bean, the husk, which comes off during the roasting process). The research team at Ford has already been using agave, wheat, and even denim byproducts to make car parts, and discovered that chaff can be used as well. Tech insider takes a look at the process.