May 9th, 2024

Addressing Environmental Convictions in the Waste Management Sector
Paul Jackson, Director of the UK’s leading network of independent waste operators, National Resource Consortium (NRC), reflects on how the recent environmental convictions issued against a waste market leader pose more questions we should be asking the waste management and recycling sector and its customers.
Concerns Surrounding Biffa’s Prosecutions
News that one of the largest waste companies in the UK has been prosecuted for illegally exporting waste to Asia has dominated headlines in recent weeks. With two prior convictions on record, it’s not the first time the firm has been prosecuted.
Questions Arising from Biffa’s Convictions
The fact that Biffa’s most recent fine was less than 0.15% of the company’s annual turnover raises questions about deterrence and responsibility in the waste management sector. Who bears the responsibility for driving change in the industry?
Unanswered Questions and Potential Impact
Questions surrounding the extent of potentially illegal exports and the financial motivations behind them highlight the need for increased scrutiny and accountability within the sector.
Impact on Trust and Reputations
Biffa’s response to the prosecution and its continued success in winning contracts raise concerns about the consequences of environmental prosecutions on business reputations and customer trust.
Impact on Smaller Waste Firms
The differential treatment of larger and smaller waste firms in the face of environmental prosecutions underscores systemic issues within the sector.
Responsibility for Systemic Change
As the UK grapples with its plastic waste crisis, responsibility for driving change ultimately falls on waste producers and operators.
NRC’s Approach to Driving Change
NRC advocates for greater accountability and responsibility among waste producers and operators, emphasizing the importance of duty of care checks and compliance processes.
Ensuring Accountability and Compliance
NRC’s compliance processes aim to ensure that waste management companies operate within the rules and remain “fit and proper” to serve their customers.
Conclusion and Contact Information
As questions continue to swirl around the waste management sector, NRC stands ready to offer businesses across the UK an alternative to national waste operators. Contact Paul Jackson on [email protected] or call 0845 299 6292 to find out how NRC can help your business.
*Click here for more on the UN report:
**Click here for the meaning of “fit and proper person”: